Investing for a greater good.

Secured Alliance Ventures
Secured Alliance Ventures (SAV) is a Benefit Corporation (taxed as a C-Corp) founded in 2020 in Arizona. SAV was created to positively impact the not-for-profit trust and fiduciary care industry. To this day SAV has one beneficial owner, and that’s the nonprofit organization, Secured Alliance, Inc.

Secured Alliance Ventures (SAV) is a Benefit Corporation (taxed as a C-Corp) founded in 2020 in Arizona. SAV was created to positively impact the not-for-profit trust and fiduciary care industry. To this day SAV has one beneficial owner, and that’s the nonprofit organization, Secured Alliance, Inc.
SAV was first created to bring a proprietary technology solution, built and used by the nonprofit organizations of Secured Alliance, to the marketplace. The hope was to deploy an affordable technology solution to smaller trust organizations in order to drive better efficiencies and address inherent risks in operations. SAV was a necessary vehicle, as the nonprofit organizations of Secured Alliance were not then, nor now, charted to sell technology.
Since its launch, SAV has marketed several ventures to the target space, some of which have been well received, others that never gained much traction. Today, SAV continues to be an incubator for innovation, a thought leader, and sandbox for research, ever seeking to bring positive change, new ideas, and better ways of doing things to the non-profit fiduciary space.
To inquire about SAV, please call the offices of Secured Alliance or fill out the form below.
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